Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tells . C;

I told you , I'll be there whenever you need me .
I told you , I'll be there no matter what happens .
I told you , I'll be the one who supports you .
I told you , I'll be the one who stays by your side always .
I told you , I'll be the one who trusts you .
I told you , I'll be the one who never ever give up on you .
I told you . I'll be the one who cares you .
I told you , I'll be the one who helps you when you need someone to help you .
I told you , I'll be the one who never ever break the promises between us .
I told you , I'll be the one who treats you nice .
I told you , I'll be the one who will never ever betray you .
I told you a lot of things .
I told you who am I .
And now , Idk where are we going , idk who we are .