Monday, June 6, 2011

The only S ;)

S stands for sopo.
S stands for Sabrella.

She looks like a baby, no matter is her height or face. She looks cute. When you're unhappy, just look at her and you'll smile back, especially when she's laughing. OMG! Can you imagine how a baby laugh? How sweet, how cute. ;)

I always ask her, what do you want to eat later? She'll say, you all like lar, the answers are always the same. Haaaa.

When unhappy or upset, just have to find her and tell her what is your mind, then you'll be better because she's a very good listener. She won't say anything after what you said, but she'll stay at there quietly and listen to you. You see, how nice? C;

Yea, she's my bestie, Sabrella Tan Li Wei.

Pui pui, you said you want a post from me maa right? Now, I show you! ;)
Don't be too touching when reading this post, although I used lots of times to think how to write this post. And finally, I can give you a sweet post. :)
I'm glad that you're in my life. C;