Sunday, September 25, 2011


People ask, people say, people gossip. My days were full of these recently, I seriously need freedom, need some spaces, just stop asking, saying, gossiping. Shut please, none of your business. I know, I can't control your mouth, can't control your big mouth, maybe you don't know what respect meant? Haha, maybe you really don't know about it. Your words caused us almost can't stand, but luckily at the end we still hold each other, never let one of us fell. You won't ever understand what it meant because you never meet someone like this, someone you take him or her as your soul mate. Don't ever think that you could make me down, or your words could affect my mood, my way to him. I won't. I'm clear with these. Don't under-estimate our faith. :)

Between, thank you for let me ensure that actually I'm really get what I wish! I just realised, although its late, but I appreciate always! ♥
God, bless us please! ;)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Daddy and mummy, I LOVE YOU!

Daddy and mummy are going back tomorrow. ;( I miss them badly!!! ;c

I'm not a good daughter, I know what should I do but I never try hard to do it. Dad and Mom, I'm sorry.
I know what I should do, truly. I woke up. Really, this time. My trial is nearer, its time to pick up, I should put something down, I should score a good result. I shouldn't let my parents disappointed again. I learnt, I know what a love meant. I know.

Daddy and mummy, I love you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

我了解 . :)


眼前有不少的考验,我得换上武装,重新踏上这一趟旅途。我有你的陪伴,怕什么? ;D